Blog — Timothy Keller

Lloyd-Jones on the Primacy of Preaching

Let's survey Lloyd-Jones's answers to the objections in his day to the ideas importance of preaching.

The Doctor points out how in Acts 6 the church faced crisis over the support of widows in the early church. The ministry of mercy to the needs of the poor in Their community was quite important and Necessary. But notice why the apostles put some new leaders over it. They did it So They Could Devote Themselves to "prayer and the ministry of the Word" (Acts 6:4). That was the primary thing, and That was what the apostles, the main leaders of the church, had to give Themselves to. The Doctor points to Jesus' own ministry, Especially to places where, under pressure to do more miracles, That says what I've came to do was preach Primarily (eg Mark 1:38). Jesus' miracles were wonderful-they Helped People with disease and suffering-yet reconciled people to God what was belief in the message and work of Jesus.
